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El pa i la sal


Bread and Salt

Since ancient times, and in different cultures, giving bread and salt when it opens a new home has been a tradition.

When debuts a new home, the Jews celebrate Janukat Haba, bread for them is a metaphor for the prosperity you want to wish the family, and salt, that never breaks down, damaged or lost taste, symbolizes permanence to their new home.

Roman received guests and visitors with a bit of bread and salt. Do it meant "deny the bread and salt" someone. This meaning is still alive among us.

In Germany, Ireland and the United States added to the tradition a bottle of wine, for that is always joy in that house.

When he was 18, and I started studying Art Floral Mrs. Ramona Bertran as a florist and many great tradition in Barcelona, ​​told me that it was customary to give Barcelona the Bread and Salt planted or a brotets d'heura meaning l'arrelament to own land, can embrace house and unite the whole family.

This is how I like to keep this tradition.

Maria Casamitjana

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